Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Spiritual Battle

To understand SoulJahm it must be first understood that this is a spiritual Music.  That means it carries a certain vibration that resonates with Truth and Reality.  There are forces at work which do not want this vibration to spread on the Earth since it would collapse the current world systems we live under.

When Kate and I went through certain stages of awakening to this Music it was like a key being turned.  Suddenly we understood our role and destiny in this battle.  It was always there just waiting to be discovered (see Indigo Lightly post) but we had to mature towards it.

This was the reason I stalled for many years, stuck in a state of indecisiveness of which direction I should go in.  Although it was presented to me at 17, I didn't understand fully what this Music was until 10 years later.  Some part of me understood its importance, which is why I never gave up even under pressure from society to get a job during those years, but I hadn't yet come into full understanding.  This also explains why I did not or could not go down conventional channels in getting the songs heard or establishing a career.

There is a different audience waiting to hear these songs and they need to be played in a different setting and they need to be played by certain musicians.  This will all come in time.  It is not the best technical musicians who should play this Music but musicians with heart and soul.  Who understand and feel that vibration in the Music.

Kate and I were aware of this all along which is why we carried on alone.  We would go on as long as it took to find the right people.  Still that is the case for me.  When Kate opened up to this Music it was like something clicked into place for both of us.  Then we followed through.

We suffered for being too far ahead of our time and perhaps Kate paid the heaviest price for that.  Only time will tell.  Those around us and those coming into contact with what we were doing could not understand nor would take it seriously enough.  Some are now waking up to this in light of Kate's passing.  You will only be able to see in others what you see of yourself.  So although we tried and tried nobody would listen or could hear the depth of this Music.  Now is the time.  

All along these "dark forces" have been trying to prevent its development.  From the moment we landed in Barcelona and had our laptop stolen within days.  In truth it goes back further.  At every major step up in the Music's development there would be an element of intense struggle we'd have to overcome.  Sometimes these blockages were fairly normal, physical reality things that would be common to everyone.  At other times there was a more mysterious element to it.  Sometimes downright sinister as we discovered in Budapest earlier this year.

This is why it is crucial those who are in support of SoulJahm work together and are on the same wavelength.  We are stronger when we move as one and can conquer whatever comes our way.  Unity is what this thing is all about.  Music to bring people together in harmony and discover living as natural beings without the suppression the System imposes on us.